terça-feira, 3 de junho de 2008

Lightheaded - Pure Thoughts [2004]

Trio formado por Braille, Othello e Ohmega Watts, em seu disco de estréia com Muneshine assinando todas as produças.

01 - Lightheaded - Intro
02 - Lightheaded - Lightheaded Anthom
03 - Lightheaded - P.T. Cruise
04 - Lightheaded - Pure With Intention
05 - Lightheaded - Blink of an Eye
06 - Lightheaded - The Top
07 - Lightheaded - Street Corners
08 - Lightheaded - That's HOw it is
09 - Lightheaded - Selfless
10 - Lightheaded - Never Square
11 - Lightheaded - Pure Thoughts
12 - Lightheaded - Poetry in Motion
13 - Lightheaded - Completion
14 - Lightheaded - Outro
15 - Lightheaded - Lah Lah Land
16 - Lightheaded - Rock-On

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Um comentário:

  1. só pedrada nos post em ... maz a falta de visita mó correria mais to adimirado c/ os som's que tens postado... salve a todos.. paz!
